About the Institute

Organizational structure and leadership

About the Institute

Organizational structure and leadership

About the Institute

Organizational structure and leadership

About the Institute

Organizational structure and leadership







Планово-экономический отдел и Отдел по закупкам и продажам

Организует и руководит планированием, составляет перспективные и текущие планы, контролирует выполнение запланированных технико-экономических показателей, оформляет сметно-договорную документацию, ведет экономический анализ работы института. Подготовка тендерной документации для участия в закупках.

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department arranges and manages planning, prepares prospective and current plans, monitors implementation of planned technical and economic indicators, draws up estimates and contractual documentation, conducts economic analysis of the institute's work, prepares tender documentation for participation in procurement.

Планово-экономический отдел и Отдел по закупкам и продажам

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department arranges and manages planning, prepares prospective and current plans, monitors implementation of planned technical and economic indicators, draws up estimates and contractual documentation, conducts economic analysis of the institute's work, prepares tender documentation for participation in procurement.

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department arranges and manages planning, prepares prospective and current plans, monitors implementation of planned technical and economic indicators, draws up estimates and contractual documentation, conducts economic analysis of the institute's work, prepares tender documentation for participation in procurement.

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department arranges and manages planning, prepares prospective and current plans, monitors implementation of planned technical and economic indicators, draws up estimates and contractual documentation, conducts economic analysis of the institute's work, prepares tender documentation for participation in procurement.

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department

Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department arranges and manages planning, prepares prospective and current plans, monitors implementation of planned technical and economic indicators, draws up estimates and contractual documentation, conducts economic analysis of the institute's work, prepares tender documentation for participation in procurement.



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"