Pre-Design Works

Pre-Design Works

Pre-Design Works

Pre-Design Works

Pre-Design Works

  1. Development of off-stage documentation, including but not limited to:
    - fuel and energy complex development schemes;
    - development of strategies and programs on energy;
    - development of fuel and energy balances;
    - development of power supply programs, etc.;
    - development of urban planning documentation:
    - planning documentation (integrated schemes for urban planning of territories
    - district planning projects, master plans for settlements, detailed planning projects and development projects for districts, micro-districts, quarters, individual plots;
    - schemes of utilities (sewerage, water supply, telecommunications and communications, heat supply) of localities and production complexes with relevant facilities, etc.;

  2. Development of pre-design documentation for projects of new construction, renovation and expansion of existing heat and power facilities, including, but not limited to:
    - Feasibility Studies of investment projects;
    - Feasibility Analyses; - schemes of heat and electric power distribution scheme, etc.

  1. Development of off-stage documentation, including but not limited to:
    - fuel and energy complex development schemes;
    - development of strategies and programs on energy;
    - development of fuel and energy balances;
    - development of power supply programs, etc.;
    - development of urban planning documentation:
    - planning documentation (integrated schemes for urban planning of territories
    - district planning projects, master plans for settlements, detailed planning projects and development projects for districts, micro-districts, quarters, individual plots;
    - schemes of utilities (sewerage, water supply, telecommunications and communications, heat supply) of localities and production complexes with relevant facilities, etc.;

  2. Development of pre-design documentation for projects of new construction, renovation and expansion of existing heat and power facilities, including, but not limited to:
    - Feasibility Studies of investment projects;
    - Feasibility Analyses; - schemes of heat and electric power distribution scheme, etc.

  1. Development of off-stage documentation, including but not limited to:
    - fuel and energy complex development schemes;
    - development of strategies and programs on energy;
    - development of fuel and energy balances;
    - development of power supply programs, etc.;
    - development of urban planning documentation:
    - planning documentation (integrated schemes for urban planning of territories
    - district planning projects, master plans for settlements, detailed planning projects and development projects for districts, micro-districts, quarters, individual plots;
    - schemes of utilities (sewerage, water supply, telecommunications and communications, heat supply) of localities and production complexes with relevant facilities, etc.;

  2. Development of pre-design documentation for projects of new construction, renovation and expansion of existing heat and power facilities, including, but not limited to:
    - Feasibility Studies of investment projects;
    - Feasibility Analyses; - schemes of heat and electric power distribution scheme, etc.

  1. Development of off-stage documentation, including but not limited to:
    - fuel and energy complex development schemes;
    - development of strategies and programs on energy;
    - development of fuel and energy balances;
    - development of power supply programs, etc.;
    - development of urban planning documentation:
    - planning documentation (integrated schemes for urban planning of territories
    - district planning projects, master plans for settlements, detailed planning projects and development projects for districts, micro-districts, quarters, individual plots;
    - schemes of utilities (sewerage, water supply, telecommunications and communications, heat supply) of localities and production complexes with relevant facilities, etc.;

  2. Development of pre-design documentation for projects of new construction, renovation and expansion of existing heat and power facilities, including, but not limited to:
    - Feasibility Studies of investment projects;
    - Feasibility Analyses; - schemes of heat and electric power distribution scheme, etc.

  1. Development of off-stage documentation, including but not limited to:
    - fuel and energy complex development schemes;
    - development of strategies and programs on energy;
    - development of fuel and energy balances;
    - development of power supply programs, etc.;
    - development of urban planning documentation:
    - planning documentation (integrated schemes for urban planning of territories
    - district planning projects, master plans for settlements, detailed planning projects and development projects for districts, micro-districts, quarters, individual plots;
    - schemes of utilities (sewerage, water supply, telecommunications and communications, heat supply) of localities and production complexes with relevant facilities, etc.;

  2. Development of pre-design documentation for projects of new construction, renovation and expansion of existing heat and power facilities, including, but not limited to:
    - Feasibility Studies of investment projects;
    - Feasibility Analyses; - schemes of heat and electric power distribution scheme, etc.



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050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


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+7 (727) 273 49 88

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050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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