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About Us
About Us
Contact with Us
About the Institute
Organizational structure and leadership
About the Institute
Organizational structure and leadership
About the Institute
Organizational structure and leadership
About the Institute
Organizational structure and leadership
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Department of Chief Project Engineers
Department of Chief Project Engineers
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Technical Department

Technical Department
Technical Department determines and directs the technical policy of the Institute in respect of development and perspective planning, improves design technology, provides technical guidance in the development of technical projects and detail drawings. There are 2 Honored Power Engineers of the Republic of Kazakhstan working in the department.

Lyudmila Ivanovna
Chief Specialist
In 1971, Lyudmila Ryzhkova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 1992 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Alexander Khripunov
Chief Specialist
In 1988, Khripunov Aleksandr began his career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2012 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Inessa Leonidovna
Chief Specialist
In 1987, Inessa Slavnikova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2005 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist. In 1983 she graduated from the Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering in the field of " Thermal power plants".
Technical Department

Technical Department
Technical Department determines and directs the technical policy of the Institute in respect of development and perspective planning, improves design technology, provides technical guidance in the development of technical projects and detail drawings. There are 2 Honored Power Engineers of the Republic of Kazakhstan working in the department.

Lyudmila Ivanovna
Chief Specialist
In 1971, Lyudmila Ryzhkova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 1992 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Alexander Khripunov
Chief Specialist
In 1988, Khripunov Aleksandr began his career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2012 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Inessa Leonidovna
Chief Specialist
In 1987, Inessa Slavnikova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2005 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist. In 1983 she graduated from the Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering in the field of " Thermal power plants".
Тепломеханический отдел
Thermomechanical Department
Thermomechanical Department
Электротехнический отдел
Electrical Engineering Department
Electrical Engineering Department
Архитектурно-строительный отдел
Architectural and Construction Department
Architectural and Construction Department
Гидротехнический отдел
Hydraulic Engineering Department
Hydraulic Engineering Department
Отдел систем автоматизации
Automation Systems Department
Automation Systems Department
Отдел инженерных изысканий
Engineering Survey Department
Engineering Survey Department
Отдел генерального плана и транспорта
Master Plan and Transport Department
Master Plan and Transport Department
Отдел охраны окружающей среды
Environment Department
Environment Department
Отдел перспективного проектирования
Prospective Design Department
Prospective Design Department
Отдел комплексного проектирования тепловых сетей
Department of Integrated Design of Heat Network
Department of Integrated Design of Heat Network
Отдел отопления и вентиляции, водоснабжения и канализации
Heating and Ventilation, Water Supply and Sewerage Department
Heating and Ventilation, Water Supply and Sewerage Department
Сметный отдел
Estimated Department
Estimated Department
Отдел проектного документооборота и контроля
Project Document Management and Control Department
Project Document Management and Control Department
Отдел комплектации оборудования
Equipment Procurement Department
Equipment Procurement Department
Отдел выпуска документации
Document Production Department
Document Production Department
Административно-хозяйственный отдел
Administration and Economic Department
Administration and Economic Department
Планово-экономический отдел и Отдел по закупкам и продажам
Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department
Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department
Отдел по управлению персоналом
HR Department
HR Department
Clerical Department
Clerical Department
Служба безопасности и охраны труда
HSE Department
HSE Department
Отдел тех. поддержки и информационного обслуживания
Technical Suppoer and Information Service Department
Technical Suppoer and Information Service Department
Accounting Department
Accounting Department
Технический архив
Technical Archive
Technical Archive
Accounting Department
Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department
HR Department
Department of Chief Project Engineers
Technical Department
Thermomechanical Department
Department of Integrated Design of Heat Network
Prospective Design Department
Automation Systems Department
Electrical Engineering Department
Architectural and Construction Department
Master Plan and Transport Department
Hydraulic Engineering Department
Heating and Ventilation, Water Supply and Sewerage Department
Estimated Department
Engineering Survey Department
Environment Department
Document Production Department
Technical Archive
Clerical Department
Equipment Procurement Department
Administration and Economic Department
Technical Suppoer and Information Service Department
Project Document Management and Control Department
HSE Department

Technical Department
Technical Department determines and directs the technical policy of the Institute in respect of development and perspective planning, improves design technology, provides technical guidance in the development of technical projects and detail drawings. There are 2 Honored Power Engineers of the Republic of Kazakhstan working in the department.

Alexander Khripunov
Chief Specialist
In 1988, Khripunov Aleksandr began his career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2012 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Lyudmila Ivanovna
Chief Specialist
In 1971, Lyudmila Ryzhkova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 1992 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Inessa Leonidovna
Chief Specialist
In 1987, Inessa Slavnikova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2005 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist. In 1983 she graduated from the Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering in the field of " Thermal power plants".
Accounting Department
Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department
HR Department
Department of Chief Project Engineers
Technical Department
Thermomechanical Department
Department of Integrated Design of Heat Network
Prospective Design Department
Automation Systems Department
Electrical Engineering Department
Architectural and Construction Department
Master Plan and Transport Department
Hydraulic Engineering Department
Heating and Ventilation, Water Supply and Sewerage Department
Estimated Department
Engineering Survey Department
Environment Department
Document Production Department
Technical Archive
Clerical Department
Equipment Procurement Department
Administration and Economic Department
Technical Suppoer and Information Service Department
Project Document Management and Control Department
HSE Department

Technical Department
Technical Department determines and directs the technical policy of the Institute in respect of development and perspective planning, improves design technology, provides technical guidance in the development of technical projects and detail drawings. There are 2 Honored Power Engineers of the Republic of Kazakhstan working in the department.

Alexander Khripunov
Chief Specialist
In 1988, Khripunov Aleksandr began his career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2012 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Lyudmila Ivanovna
Chief Specialist
In 1971, Lyudmila Ryzhkova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 1992 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Inessa Leonidovna
Chief Specialist
In 1987, Inessa Slavnikova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2005 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist. In 1983 she graduated from the Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering in the field of " Thermal power plants".
Accounting Department
Planning and Economic Department and Sales and Purchase Department
HR Department
Department of Chief Project Engineers
Technical Department
Thermomechanical Department
Department of Integrated Design of Heat Network
Prospective Design Department
Automation Systems Department
Electrical Engineering Department
Architectural and Construction Department
Master Plan and Transport Department
Hydraulic Engineering Department
Heating and Ventilation, Water Supply and Sewerage Department
Estimated Department
Engineering Survey Department
Environment Department
Document Production Department
Technical Archive
Clerical Department
Equipment Procurement Department
Administration and Economic Department
Technical Suppoer and Information Service Department
Project Document Management and Control Department
HSE Department

Technical Department
Technical Department determines and directs the technical policy of the Institute in respect of development and perspective planning, improves design technology, provides technical guidance in the development of technical projects and detail drawings. There are 2 Honored Power Engineers of the Republic of Kazakhstan working in the department.

Alexander Khripunov
Chief Specialist
In 1988, Khripunov Aleksandr began his career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2012 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Lyudmila Ivanovna
Chief Specialist
In 1971, Lyudmila Ryzhkova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 1992 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist in the Technical Department. In 1971 she graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin with a degree in Thermal Power Engineer " in the direction of "Thermal power plants".

Inessa Leonidovna
Chief Specialist
In 1987, Inessa Slavnikova began her career at JSC Institute KazNIPIEnergoprom. From 2005 to the present, she has held the position of chief specialist. In 1983 she graduated from the Belarusian Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Thermal Power Engineering in the field of " Thermal power plants".

050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A
+7 (727) 273 47 87
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+7 (727) 273 49 88
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+7 (727) 273 47 87
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+7 (727) 273 49 88
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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"

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+7 (727) 273 47 87
+7 (727) 273 32 98
+7 (727) 273 49 88
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Any copying of site materials is possible only with the written consent of the Institute.
© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"

050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A
+7 (727) 273 47 87
+7 (727) 273 32 98
+7 (727) 273 49 88
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Any copying of site materials is possible only with the written consent of the Institute.
© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"

050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A
+7 (727) 273 47 87
+7 (727) 273 32 98
+7 (727) 273 49 88
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Any copying of site materials is possible only with the written consent of the Institute.
© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"