Scientific and Research Works

Scientific and Research Works

Scientific and Research Works

Scientific and Research Works

Scientific and Research Works

  1. Carrying out research, development and design works in the field of industrial power engineering aimed at rational use of fuel, electric and thermal energy in industry with the development of cross-sectoral problems of generating industrial power and district heating, as well as in other spheres;

  2. Expert works and consulting services in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction in industrial energy.

  1. Carrying out research, development and design works in the field of industrial power engineering aimed at rational use of fuel, electric and thermal energy in industry with the development of cross-sectoral problems of generating industrial power and district heating, as well as in other spheres;

  2. Expert works and consulting services in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction in industrial energy.

  1. Carrying out research, development and design works in the field of industrial power engineering aimed at rational use of fuel, electric and thermal energy in industry with the development of cross-sectoral problems of generating industrial power and district heating, as well as in other spheres;

  2. Expert works and consulting services in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction in industrial energy.

  1. Carrying out research, development and design works in the field of industrial power engineering aimed at rational use of fuel, electric and thermal energy in industry with the development of cross-sectoral problems of generating industrial power and district heating, as well as in other spheres;

  2. Expert works and consulting services in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction in industrial energy.

  1. Carrying out research, development and design works in the field of industrial power engineering aimed at rational use of fuel, electric and thermal energy in industry with the development of cross-sectoral problems of generating industrial power and district heating, as well as in other spheres;

  2. Expert works and consulting services in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction in industrial energy.



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"



050004, RK, Almaty, Abylay Khan Ave., 58A


+7 (727) 273 47 87


+7 (727) 273 32 98

+7 (727) 273 49 88

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© 2024 JSC "Institute "KazNIPIEnergoprom"